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Logitech LP50精密研磨抛光系统为实验室的研发提供一个极精密、多样化的研磨抛光能力。它有三个工作站,通过操纵杆和LCD控制屏来进行操作,其设计能让操作者的操作更快更方便,并能对工艺参数进行全面控制,实现高质量样品的重复生产。 另外,LP50还有一种防次氯酸钠抛光液的机型,可理想的用于需要进行化学机械抛光的工艺过程。
Logitech PLJ Precision Lapping Jigs are used to hold multiple “wafer geometry” or slide mounted specimens, while they are being processed on a Logitech precision lapping machine.
The NCG-2 Non-Contact Thickness Measurement Gauge is a compact and highly sensitive instrument,developed to facilitate precise dimensional measurement of fragile, soft or highly polished.
The Logitech Sample Loading Gauge provides the operator with an accurate means to measure the load exerted by a jig on a sample of up to 4” (102mm) in diameter. From this automatic reading.......
The Logitech LG2 autocollimator is a highly accurate angle measuring devices used in the production of parallel specimens. Theautocollimator is ideal for measuring small angles......
The LI10 Fizeau Interferometer is ideally suited to a wide range of flatness measurement operations on polished specimens up to 102mm (4”)Ø.This unit is appropriate for use in both optical component..